What do you wish for the New Year?
Thank you Jamie Ridler for Wishcasting Wednesday's perfect question to start the New Year.
I wish for the New Year to bring me clarity, health, financial success, artistic fulfillment, photographic pursuits, lots of travel, love, weight loss, peace and happiness and more deeper friendships.
Thank you so much Jamie for Wishcasting Wednesday this year has been great and I really look forward to this coming year especially my Wednesday.
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Monday, December 27, 2010
Weekly Intention: What do I need this week? Renewal
Christmas self portrait, time for the end of one year one decade and the start of another. Time for renewal to begin my week the last week of the year/decade. A new beginning the start of something new new habits new outlook. I allowed myself to eat what I please and took a break from working over Christmas so now its time to get back to healthy exercise and weight loss. Renew good habits! This week is a time for reflecting on 2010 and planning for 2011. Happy New Year to all. My it be loving, prosperous and abundant for us all.
Christmas self portrait, time for the end of one year one decade and the start of another. Time for renewal to begin my week the last week of the year/decade. A new beginning the start of something new new habits new outlook. I allowed myself to eat what I please and took a break from working over Christmas so now its time to get back to healthy exercise and weight loss. Renew good habits! This week is a time for reflecting on 2010 and planning for 2011. Happy New Year to all. My it be loving, prosperous and abundant for us all.
new year planning,
weekly intention
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Wishcasting Wednesday: How do you wish to Soar?
Monday, December 13, 2010
Reverb10: 11Things
What 11 things your life doesn't need in 2011?
December 11 – 11 Things, What are 11 things your life doesn’t need in 2011? How will you go about eliminating them? How will getting rid of these 11 things change your life? (Author: Sam Davidson)
1. 75lbs: plan weight watchers, work out watching what I eat.
2. Debt: plan make a debt reduction plan to eliminate all debt in 2011
3. Compulsive shopping: plan when I get the urge, learn how to walk away
4. Over eating: plan learn to stop eating when the signal to stop says stop
5. Beating myself up: Plan when the thought occurs to me stop and change it to something encouraging.
6. Self sabotage/ Self doubt: plan realize that when I stop doing something I love or I don't even try something new, or when I stop doing something that feels right because I don't think that its good enough I will realize that it's self doubt/sabotage and by believing it or allowing it to sink in it will not serve my best interests and I no longer want to allow fear to rule my life. 7.Broke: plan to replace that word with plenty! Leave the broke mindset forever. It has no place in my life.
8. Worry: plan when I begin to worry stop acknowledge what I am worrying about and ask myself why am I worrying remind myself to have faith and trust in the Universe and myself.
9. Overly Sensitive: plan to learn like the 4 agreements take nothing personal.
10. Inconsistant physical activity: plan and follow thru on a real livable work out plan 5 days a week.
11. Regret: plan learn to trust my decisions, if I make a decision accept it and move on.
Friday, December 10, 2010
Reverb10: Wisdom
Wisdom. What was the wisest decision you made this year, and how did it play out?
(Author: Susannah Conway)
My wisest decision was to move across the country with my son to Syracuse NY. I live in an apartment now with my boyfriend, I am happy most days but it's an adjustment and making friends has been a challenge along with the weather. My son seems to really be thriving here which is great. I am enjoying a new place, new scenery but have yet to find my niche I do realize that it takes time. Part of me is enjoying living a type of lifestyle I never had before but another part of me yearns for something different. The play out is still new and up in the air. I moved in June and it's been 6 months and my son said so how long will this life fulfill you. He knows me I said not sure yet but at least till your a junior in college.
(Author: Susannah Conway)
My wisest decision was to move across the country with my son to Syracuse NY. I live in an apartment now with my boyfriend, I am happy most days but it's an adjustment and making friends has been a challenge along with the weather. My son seems to really be thriving here which is great. I am enjoying a new place, new scenery but have yet to find my niche I do realize that it takes time. Part of me is enjoying living a type of lifestyle I never had before but another part of me yearns for something different. The play out is still new and up in the air. I moved in June and it's been 6 months and my son said so how long will this life fulfill you. He knows me I said not sure yet but at least till your a junior in college.
moving across country,
Thursday, December 9, 2010
ReVerb 10
I'm a little late in coming in to the Reverb 10. Here is my catch up.
1. One Word: Change
Change, because I moved across the country, I left my husband it may have been a short marriage but it was my only one and I truly did love him and it was horrible, hard and sad to leave. I moved out of my mom's house where I lived with my son during my marriage, I quit my job when I moved. I left all my friends and family except my son he came with me, Thank God he is a lifesaver and my biggest supporter.
2. Writing:
What do I do each day that doesn't contribute to my writing and can I eliminate it. I putz! Putz around the house anything to avoid doing things I love to do like write, collage, photograph, create. Like I will sit and watch the news for hours or wash the one dish in the sink or put some paper away or look for that one thing you know the thing. I can eliminate it, I must.
3. Moment:
One moment Jan 17, 2010 Sunrise at the Bosque del Apache NM to see the Snow Geese fly out freezing cold still quiet and then they start honking like a train and lift off all at the same time. It is magical, life changing like nothing else is happening in the world and all you know and feel are the geese. Life stands still.
4. Wonder:
Cultivating my sense of wonder is to look at the world as photographs something new you've never seen before even your same route to work if you see new photographs it is always new. New scenery I am always searching for a new place to visit everything can be fresh under the sun.
5. Let Go:
I let go of my job the security that it provides and also moved away from my mother and the security she provided. That was hard very hard. I would say my husband too but he didn't provide security. He was a sweet man just not ready to be married.
6. Make:
I made our Christmas tree ornaments, well I bought ribbon and tied bows to the balls but I made a travel collage in my Art Journal about 2weeks ago.
7. Community:
I found community in the AAHL Booster club here in Syracuse but I'm not a huge hockey fan so it only really fits me partially. Since I moved I haven't found the artistic photographic community here yet. I have joined a photography club but I'm still new. I would like to be part of an online community and have yet to find that. I would like to be more involved with online communities in Art Journalling, photography and fashion fellow bloggers like myself.
8. Beautifully Different:
Wow I wasn't sure about this one but I believe that my difference is fearlessness in some areas. I travel and will often go by myself. I do want I want I don't really regard what people say or think I'm very independent and in my family that is very different. My family tends towards security and doing what you should do. Where I am always doing what I want to do what makes me happy. What makes people light up, that's a harder one. I always think that they know I will show up, I will dance at their wedding and bring an appropriate gift if invited. I will comment on peoples outfits and be humorously drunk but not embarrassing.
9. Party:
Party of the year hands down AAHL Booster club convention jello shots 1st night! Casual clothes costume contest cartoon characters buffet dinner Howie sang New York, New York good DJ even if a little light on the music and then jello shots and pudding shots in the hospitality room. The cookies and cream OMG!!!!
1. One Word: Change
Change, because I moved across the country, I left my husband it may have been a short marriage but it was my only one and I truly did love him and it was horrible, hard and sad to leave. I moved out of my mom's house where I lived with my son during my marriage, I quit my job when I moved. I left all my friends and family except my son he came with me, Thank God he is a lifesaver and my biggest supporter.
2. Writing:
What do I do each day that doesn't contribute to my writing and can I eliminate it. I putz! Putz around the house anything to avoid doing things I love to do like write, collage, photograph, create. Like I will sit and watch the news for hours or wash the one dish in the sink or put some paper away or look for that one thing you know the thing. I can eliminate it, I must.
3. Moment:
One moment Jan 17, 2010 Sunrise at the Bosque del Apache NM to see the Snow Geese fly out freezing cold still quiet and then they start honking like a train and lift off all at the same time. It is magical, life changing like nothing else is happening in the world and all you know and feel are the geese. Life stands still.
4. Wonder:
Cultivating my sense of wonder is to look at the world as photographs something new you've never seen before even your same route to work if you see new photographs it is always new. New scenery I am always searching for a new place to visit everything can be fresh under the sun.
5. Let Go:
I let go of my job the security that it provides and also moved away from my mother and the security she provided. That was hard very hard. I would say my husband too but he didn't provide security. He was a sweet man just not ready to be married.
6. Make:
I made our Christmas tree ornaments, well I bought ribbon and tied bows to the balls but I made a travel collage in my Art Journal about 2weeks ago.
7. Community:
I found community in the AAHL Booster club here in Syracuse but I'm not a huge hockey fan so it only really fits me partially. Since I moved I haven't found the artistic photographic community here yet. I have joined a photography club but I'm still new. I would like to be part of an online community and have yet to find that. I would like to be more involved with online communities in Art Journalling, photography and fashion fellow bloggers like myself.
8. Beautifully Different:
Wow I wasn't sure about this one but I believe that my difference is fearlessness in some areas. I travel and will often go by myself. I do want I want I don't really regard what people say or think I'm very independent and in my family that is very different. My family tends towards security and doing what you should do. Where I am always doing what I want to do what makes me happy. What makes people light up, that's a harder one. I always think that they know I will show up, I will dance at their wedding and bring an appropriate gift if invited. I will comment on peoples outfits and be humorously drunk but not embarrassing.
9. Party:
Party of the year hands down AAHL Booster club convention jello shots 1st night! Casual clothes costume contest cartoon characters buffet dinner Howie sang New York, New York good DJ even if a little light on the music and then jello shots and pudding shots in the hospitality room. The cookies and cream OMG!!!!
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Wishcasting Wednesday: What do you wish to Transform?
What do you wish to Transform?
I wish in this Holiday Season, the last month of the year, of the decade, to Transform myself. I wish for the transformation to let fear fall the wayside and allow the power that I do possess to shine through. I wish to transform into a thinner more athletic adventurous self. I wish the transformation will eliminate all self sabotage. Allowing myself to transform into my true self.
Thank you Jamie Ridler, www.jamieridlerstudios.ca for the great prompt.
I wish in this Holiday Season, the last month of the year, of the decade, to Transform myself. I wish for the transformation to let fear fall the wayside and allow the power that I do possess to shine through. I wish to transform into a thinner more athletic adventurous self. I wish the transformation will eliminate all self sabotage. Allowing myself to transform into my true self.
Thank you Jamie Ridler, www.jamieridlerstudios.ca for the great prompt.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
I am preparing to create my Full Cold Moon dream broad. I have been tearing thru magazines and catalogues pulling any image I love. I have no idea what it will look like until I start creating it. Full Cold Moon is on the Winter Solstice!! Thanks www.jamieridlerstudios.ca
Monday, December 6, 2010
What do I need this week? Weekly Intention.
I need to Believe, that I am worthy of loving relationships, financial wealth and everything in between. That is what I need this week. To truly BELIEVE it!!
I have taken a break about 2weeks from blogging regularly, setting Intentions, Wishcasting and even photographing and the gym and yoga and artist dates. Getting caught up in Thanksgiving, errands and being a stay home mom and shopping way too much. Back to normal which means photographing, journaling, Intentions, Wishcasting and Art. Back to normal and see what happens. This avoidance to what I love to do means that I have a block so I need to meditate, yoga and journal it out of me.
I have taken a break about 2weeks from blogging regularly, setting Intentions, Wishcasting and even photographing and the gym and yoga and artist dates. Getting caught up in Thanksgiving, errands and being a stay home mom and shopping way too much. Back to normal which means photographing, journaling, Intentions, Wishcasting and Art. Back to normal and see what happens. This avoidance to what I love to do means that I have a block so I need to meditate, yoga and journal it out of me.
Friday, December 3, 2010
Its time to list my 5 favorite things for this Friday #1 Its snowing, #2 I am wearing my hair in my favorite way pigtails #3 I'm getting to wear flannel plaid w/2layers underneath #4 I'm wearing my favorite necklace again #5 my small pants are now too big on me I've lost 22.6lbs so far.
Thankful is how I feel!
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Monday, November 22, 2010
Weekly Intention: Serenity, Peace and financial Miracles!
This is a short week for most people but for me it is a long one. Thanksgiving is Thursday and we are having company which I'm very much looking forward to but Wednesday is the challenge Weight Watchers weigh in and school is out and it's a day for preparations. Finish house cleaning one last run to the store always something left to do or forgotten till the last minute. All those things make me think my weekly intention is 3fold Serenity, Peace and a Financial Miracle. I intend to stay calm and enjoy the quiet moments I know there will be some take deep breaths and focus on my breathing in order to stay calm and create a serene peaceful aura around me and the financial miracle because sometimes things come up that blindside you and you are not prepared for even though you think you are. I am holding these intentions in my heart and will keep them there to guide and influence my week. Namaste!
financial miracle,
weekly intention
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Wishcasting Wednesday: What do you wish to Celebrate?
Wishcasting Wednesday: What do you wish to Celebrate? 15lbs!
I wish to celebrate the loss of 15lbs and the start of some new habits craving vegetables and salmon and chicken and not the fried kind. The end of fast food cravings and down two sizes. It's a lot but then it should be and it's all worth a celebration. Thank you Jamie Ridler www.jamieridlerstudios.ca for you perfectly timed prompt. Can't wait to get my journal!
I wish to celebrate the loss of 15lbs and the start of some new habits craving vegetables and salmon and chicken and not the fried kind. The end of fast food cravings and down two sizes. It's a lot but then it should be and it's all worth a celebration. Thank you Jamie Ridler www.jamieridlerstudios.ca for you perfectly timed prompt. Can't wait to get my journal!
Monday, November 15, 2010
weekly Intention: Serenity and Art!
Thank you Andrea from Abc Creativity for the weekly prompt of "What do I need this week?" I need Serenity and some Art Journaling to guide me back on my course. Serenity to accept where I am in life and that I need to live in the moment and to Art Journal to bring focus to my goals and dreams. Time to set the path with Serenity because yes Happiness is this easy if you allow it to be and this week I want to allow it.
Friday, November 5, 2010
Here are my Friday5, my five favorite things this Friday, Toshiba laptop, Canon Rebel DSLR Camera, Pink Crackberry, Ipod Nano, and my Fuji P&S and 1 extra for good measure my Vivitar DVR 810HD video cam. It's all about technology today.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Wishcasting Wednesday: What do you wish to enjoy?
What do you wish to enjoy?
I wish to enjoy exercise! I know afterward I always feel great and have that glow and enjoy pushing myself during but getting started is another story, I wish to enjoy exercise so much so that I am motivated to start. Thank you Jamie Ridler for a great question this week.
I wish to enjoy exercise! I know afterward I always feel great and have that glow and enjoy pushing myself during but getting started is another story, I wish to enjoy exercise so much so that I am motivated to start. Thank you Jamie Ridler for a great question this week.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Weekly Intention: Live
My weekly intention is to Live, as in to the fullest and/or as if it's your last. After a day of rest and unpacking from 2 trips in a row I'm a little late on my weekly intention setting. This morning after sending Alex off to school and watching the news. I went outside must have been drawn to the coldness in the air 31degrees I photographed frost on the leaves really enjoyed the cold air on my face and hands and as photography is my love my thing my meditation. Live!!
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Wishcasting Wednesday: What do you wish to Shed?
What do you wish to Shed?
As Jamie Ridler from Jamie Ridler Studios says: "You can be a maker of magic and a tender of wishes. It’s easy. Answer the wish prompt above on your blog and then add a direct link to your post in the box below. Support wishes by visiting other participants, leaving a comment saying “As (insert name) wishes for her/himself, so I wish for her/him also.” It’s that simple. There is great power in wishing together. Let the magic begin!"
I wish like fall to shed my leaves, make me lighter a little closer to the earth to continue shedding weight to continue shedding fears celebrate my new fall colors.
As I wish for myself, I wish for all of us. Thank Jamie.
As Jamie Ridler from Jamie Ridler Studios says: "You can be a maker of magic and a tender of wishes. It’s easy. Answer the wish prompt above on your blog and then add a direct link to your post in the box below. Support wishes by visiting other participants, leaving a comment saying “As (insert name) wishes for her/himself, so I wish for her/him also.” It’s that simple. There is great power in wishing together. Let the magic begin!"
I wish like fall to shed my leaves, make me lighter a little closer to the earth to continue shedding weight to continue shedding fears celebrate my new fall colors.
As I wish for myself, I wish for all of us. Thank Jamie.
Monday, October 18, 2010
Weekly Intention: Photograph
Thank you, Andrea from www.ABCcreativity.com for the prompt. My weekly Intention is to Photograph.
Fall in Central New York simply beautiful.
Fall in Central New York simply beautiful.
Friday, October 15, 2010
5 things I love and know for sure
1.My picture found it on clearance at Target love it but where to hang it
2.Rainy Fall day
3.Chinese food what a treat
4.Goody twisty things once I figure out how to use them
5.Netflix 36hr turn around
1.My picture found it on clearance at Target love it but where to hang it
2.Rainy Fall day
3.Chinese food what a treat
4.Goody twisty things once I figure out how to use them
5.Netflix 36hr turn around
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Wishcasting Wednesday: What do you wish to fly free from?

I wish to fly free from my fat safety suit. So much out there to grasp hold of when you have the energy and endurance to do it. I want to fly on my bike, in a kayak, up a mountain, in a half marathon Experience nature live and in person in really cute outdoorsy outfits. Take my backpack and new travel art journal kit and just go.
Monday, October 11, 2010
What do I need this week: Action
Thank you Andrea at www.abccreativity for my weekly prompt. Action is my Intention for the week to get outside and get physical. Not just do my videos but to walk, jog, bicycle feel the fresh cool crisp fall air on my face breathe it in deeply, use it as a motivator to continue to lose weight and get into shape.
Friday, October 8, 2010
Friday5 Fall
My Friday Five: things I love
1. Fall colors seeing the trees change right before my eyes,right outside my window.
2. Brisk fall air
3. A clear blue fall sky
4.Wearing fleece because its fall
5. The light is perfect for photography or painting and I got to do both today.
1. Fall colors seeing the trees change right before my eyes,right outside my window.
2. Brisk fall air
3. A clear blue fall sky
4.Wearing fleece because its fall
5. The light is perfect for photography or painting and I got to do both today.
Thank God its Fall!
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Wishcasting Wednesday: Where do you wish to grow your Confidence?
It's Wishcasting time and Jamie Ridler at www.jamieridlerstudios.ca gave us a good one again.
Where do you wish to grow your Confidence? I wish to grow my confidence in focusing on my long term goals. To maintain focus on them and being confident that I will achieve them and not be blinded by short term rewards. Keep my eye on the prize not on the double hamburger that looks so delicious right now, long term health, long term health, long term health. Focus, focus, focus!!
Where do you wish to grow your Confidence? I wish to grow my confidence in focusing on my long term goals. To maintain focus on them and being confident that I will achieve them and not be blinded by short term rewards. Keep my eye on the prize not on the double hamburger that looks so delicious right now, long term health, long term health, long term health. Focus, focus, focus!!
Monday, October 4, 2010
Weekly Intention: Get on with it!
Thank you, Andrea @ ABCcreativity for the prompt, if there was ever a week I needed a an intention it is this one. www.abccreativity.com
My intention is to get off my ass and just get on with it already. Stop sleeping in everyday and wasting so much time putzing around and doing nothing or filling my day with housework and errands and stuff that really doesn't need to be done or can wait to be done but is being used as an avoidance to get to the stuff I really need to get to. I have time and can work on my blog, my photography, my journal, exercise, yoga and meditation instead of filler. I have my list of what I'd like to accomplish this fall so my weekly intention is GET ON with IT!
Thanks again Andrea.
My intention is to get off my ass and just get on with it already. Stop sleeping in everyday and wasting so much time putzing around and doing nothing or filling my day with housework and errands and stuff that really doesn't need to be done or can wait to be done but is being used as an avoidance to get to the stuff I really need to get to. I have time and can work on my blog, my photography, my journal, exercise, yoga and meditation instead of filler. I have my list of what I'd like to accomplish this fall so my weekly intention is GET ON with IT!
Thanks again Andrea.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Wishcasting Wednesday: What do you wish to step into?
Thank you Jamie Ridler http://www.jamieridlerstudios.ca for the prompt and always having such a timely question.
My wish is to step into my true self with out fear!! The happy energetic self confident artistic creative thinner me who jumps at challenges and adventures and will be open to receiving all the gifts the universe has for me. That is what I wish to step into.
Thank you Jamie! As I wish for myself I wish for all of the other wishcasters.
My wish is to step into my true self with out fear!! The happy energetic self confident artistic creative thinner me who jumps at challenges and adventures and will be open to receiving all the gifts the universe has for me. That is what I wish to step into.
Thank you Jamie! As I wish for myself I wish for all of the other wishcasters.
Monday, September 27, 2010
What do I need this week?
Weekly Intention: Breathe and Move on.
I'm stressing about my weight, I joined Weight Watchers week before last. My 1st week I lost 8.6lbs but my 2nd week has not been going so good, I've been working out like a fiend and drinking water like crazy but my food intake has been crazy my boyfriend has been sabotaging me at every turn and I've fallen for it I've been over my points almost everyday. I know I can't blame him he doesn't shove the food in my mouth. I need to let it go if I gain weight this week it will be okay. everyday. every week is a new beginning. It won't destroy me. Breathe and move on. After reading this maybe it should be to stop beating myself up about my weight.
I'm stressing about my weight, I joined Weight Watchers week before last. My 1st week I lost 8.6lbs but my 2nd week has not been going so good, I've been working out like a fiend and drinking water like crazy but my food intake has been crazy my boyfriend has been sabotaging me at every turn and I've fallen for it I've been over my points almost everyday. I know I can't blame him he doesn't shove the food in my mouth. I need to let it go if I gain weight this week it will be okay. everyday. every week is a new beginning. It won't destroy me. Breathe and move on. After reading this maybe it should be to stop beating myself up about my weight.
Friday, September 24, 2010
Friday5: Five things I love
My Laptop, my Journal, My daily book, my Prevention Magazine and my WW week 2 guide to keep me on track.
My Laptop, my Journal, My daily book, my Prevention Magazine and my WW week 2 guide to keep me on track.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Wishcasting Wednesday: What do you wish for an Abundance of?
Thanks Jamie Ridler for the prompt. This one is great! I wish for an Abundance of Love and Money! Short simple and to the point. The universe is abundant and there is plenty and I am worthy of love and financial success so that is my wish.
Monday, September 20, 2010
Weekly Intention: Work thru it!
Thank you Andrea for the prompt, It came quick and easy this morning the intention was right there. Fears and doubts were seeping in and starting to make me think I'll just stay home I'll just not do it or go to it so then it came loud and clear Work thru it! Thank you again Andrea ABC Creativity
Friday, September 17, 2010
On Friday I like to list what I am thankful for.
1. OM
2. Vinyl LP's
3. Polariod Cameras
4. My son's new Magic card collection
5. beginning of Fall
Great day today I am so thankful for my Friday.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
How do you wish to come out of your shell?
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Wishcasting Wednesday
Jamie Ridler asks us this very timely question today and boy is it perfect. Today my guy and I joined weight watchers of course after we had our $2.00 Big Mac lunch w/fries and a regular coke right and right after I just spent about $300.00 on new fall clothes from Lane Bryant because they had 40% off the entire store. Well lets face I could stand to lose a lot of weight for my health and to boost my energy so I am actually very happy about it and especially about doing it together. I wish to come out of my fat shell one conscious meal and activity at a time. Thank you Jamie Ridler www.jamieridlerstudios.ca
Oh big news I'm going to be in the Nate Berkus Show audience next Tuesday!! I am so excited I will post more about it later!! OMG!!
Monday, September 13, 2010
Weekly Intention: LOVE
All you need is love! so the song says its Monday therefore my weekly intention time and my intention is LOVE. It keeps coming up so I guess I need to love more. Well I will know at the end of the week what it really was. That seems to be my pattern find out at the end what the lesson was. Thank you Andrea www.abccreativity.com for the weekly prompt.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Wishcasting Wednesday: What do you wish for less of?
Thank you Jamie Ridlerfor the Wishcasting prompt. What a perfect question, After going to Manhattan for 2 days and taking in as much as possible wishing for less truly is more. I wish for less consumption on my part. Less food intake, less frivolous purchases. Less might make me more conscious. I wish for myself and all the other wishcasters.
Monday, September 6, 2010
What do I need this week? Weekly Intention
Weekly Intention: Patience
I spend 2 days last week with my son in NYC. It was his 1st time and my 4th. I loved it but I am still beat it was hot humid and tons of walking. I have yet to post in my other blog http://refusetodressmyage.blogspot.com about my shopping because I'm still recovering from more walking in 2 days than in my entire lifetime or at least it feels like it. So Patience.
Last week it was Do Quietly, still not sure what that meant expect way less tweeting and facebooking and phone calls as my phone died and I forgot my charger in NYC. So I am going with more time spent one on one with my son and enjoying all the museums. It was very nice not checking my phone for about 36hrs so maybe that is my lesson learned put the phone down. WoW it takes writing this to learn. That is why I blog.
This week is Patience, I will try hard as I don't have much.
Thanks Andrea for the prompt. ABC Creativity .
Friday, September 3, 2010
It's still Friday on the westcoast!
Here are my 5perfect Friday things I'm grateful for.
1. Traveling w/my son
2. The Green Apple means I'm home
3. Metropolitan Museum of Art WOW!
4. Taking the Train how very East coast of me
5. NYC still has that special feeling
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Wishcasting Wednesday
It's Wednesday must be time for wishcasting and a little of my September goals if you don't mind.
What do you wish to begin? asked by asked by the amazing Jamie Ridler .
I wish to begin something completely different for myself to begin September focused on better health. My wish is that I am more mindful of what I eat and drink and also make an effort to move more A LOT MORE! My wish is to be healthier this month.
My September goals they do seem like a lot but I think its reasonable, I have 30days right?
What do you wish to begin? asked by asked by the amazing Jamie Ridler .
I wish to begin something completely different for myself to begin September focused on better health. My wish is that I am more mindful of what I eat and drink and also make an effort to move more A LOT MORE! My wish is to be healthier this month.
My September goals they do seem like a lot but I think its reasonable, I have 30days right?
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