Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Wishcasting Wednesday

                  It's Wednesday must be time for wishcasting and a little of my September goals if you don't mind.

                            What do you wish to begin? asked by asked by the amazing Jamie Ridler .

I wish to begin something completely different for myself to begin September focused on better health. My wish is that I am more mindful of what I eat and drink and also make an effort to move more A LOT MORE! My wish is to be healthier this month.

My September goals they do seem like a lot but I think its reasonable, I have 30days right?


  1. As Yolanda wishes for herself, I too wish for you.

  2. As Yolanda wishes for herself, I wish for her as well. I am keeping a Sunday journal of what I do each week to become healthier. It is starting to help. Good luck with your goals. I know you can do it.

  3. As you wish for yourself, Yolanda, I wish for you also. Taking care of yourself is so important. :)

    - Grace

  4. Yes! You have 30 beautiful, wide open days!

    As Yolanda wishes for herself, so I wish for her as well.

  5. as Yolanda wishes for herself, i wish for her also.

  6. Mindful consumption is a process, but so rewarding and fun once you get in the groove. As you wish for yourself Yolanda, so I wish for you also.

  7. Celebrating the 30 days with you!

    As Yolanda wishes for herself, I wish for her as well.

  8. As Yolanda wishes for herself, I wish for her as well. May this month bring you plates full of delicious healthy to delight and keep you on your path!!! Wonderful wish!!!
    Namaste, Sarah

  9. As Yolanda wishes for herself, so I do wish for her also.

    My business goals list for September is something like 40 items long -- then add in all the personal things that I wish to accomplish this month, too! Here's to both of us getting our list done!

  10. As Yolanda wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.
