Monday, September 6, 2010

What do I need this week? Weekly Intention

Weekly Intention: Patience

I spend 2 days last week with my son in NYC. It was his 1st time and my 4th. I loved it but I am still beat it was hot humid and tons of walking. I have yet to post in my other blog about my shopping because I'm still recovering from more walking in 2 days than in my entire lifetime or at least it feels like it. So Patience.

Last week it was Do Quietly, still not sure what that meant expect way less tweeting and facebooking and phone calls as my phone died and I forgot my charger in NYC. So I am going with more time spent one on one with my son and enjoying all the museums. It was very nice not checking my phone for about 36hrs so maybe that is my lesson learned put the phone down. WoW it takes writing this to learn. That is why I blog.

This week is Patience, I will try hard as I don't have much.

Thanks Andrea for the prompt. ABC Creativity .

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