Thursday, December 9, 2010

ReVerb 10

I'm a little late in coming in to the Reverb 10. Here is my catch up.

1. One Word: Change

Change, because I moved across the country, I left my husband it may have been a short marriage but it was my only one and I truly did love him and it was horrible, hard and sad to leave. I moved out of my mom's house where I lived with my son during my marriage, I quit my job when I moved. I left all my friends and family except my son he came with me, Thank God he is a lifesaver and my biggest supporter.

2. Writing:

What do I do each day that doesn't contribute to my writing and can I eliminate it. I putz! Putz around the house anything to avoid doing things I love to do like write, collage, photograph, create. Like I will sit and watch the news for hours or wash the one dish in the sink or put some paper away or look for that one thing you know the thing. I can eliminate it, I must.

3. Moment:

One moment Jan 17, 2010 Sunrise at the Bosque del Apache NM to see the Snow Geese fly out freezing cold still quiet and then they start honking like a train and lift off all at the same time. It is magical, life changing like nothing else is happening in the world and all you know and feel are the geese. Life stands still.

4. Wonder:

Cultivating my sense of wonder is to look at the world as photographs something new you've never seen before even your same route to work if you see new photographs it is always new. New scenery I am always searching for a new place to visit everything can be fresh under the sun.

5. Let Go:

 I let go of my job the security that it provides and also moved away from my mother and the security she provided. That was hard very hard. I would say my husband too but he didn't provide security. He was a sweet man just not ready to be married.

6. Make:

I made our Christmas tree ornaments, well I bought ribbon and tied bows to the balls but I made a travel collage in my Art Journal about 2weeks ago.

7. Community:

I found community in the AAHL Booster club here in Syracuse but I'm not a huge hockey fan so it only really fits me partially. Since I moved I haven't found the artistic photographic community here yet. I have joined a photography club but I'm still new. I would like to be part of an online community and have yet to find that. I would like to be more involved with online communities in Art Journalling, photography and fashion fellow bloggers like myself.

8. Beautifully Different:

Wow I wasn't sure about this one but I believe that my difference is fearlessness in some areas. I travel and will often go by myself. I do want I want I don't really regard what people say or think I'm very independent and in my family that is very different. My family tends towards security and doing what you should do. Where I am always doing what I want to do what makes me happy. What makes people light up, that's a harder one. I always think that they know I will show up, I will dance at their wedding and bring an appropriate gift if invited. I will comment on peoples outfits and be humorously drunk but not embarrassing.

9. Party:

Party of the year hands down AAHL Booster club convention jello shots 1st night! Casual clothes costume contest cartoon characters buffet dinner Howie sang New York, New York good DJ even if a little light on the music and then jello shots and pudding shots in the hospitality room. The cookies and cream OMG!!!!

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