Monday, February 28, 2011

Weekly Intention: Care

Care: Self care, Health care, Caring for others, Taking care, carefree... Care is my intention this week. Where am I going with that, I have only to see where this week guides me.

Last night inspired by both Jamie Ridler and her newsprint planner pad and Andrea Schroeder 's weekly intention. I wrote out my weekly goals. I consider them a guideline for the week like a gentle suggestion to keep focus and on track. I also made a big list of my March monthly goals I wrote it out from what I put in my art journal for March. It is my birthday month so these goals are very special to me and again a gentle suggestion of where I'd like to keep my focus. Along with these lists I keep a calendar with me at all times and on the Monday I write in my weekly intention. It really helps me keep clear on what my intention is, definitely a detourent from distractions. I also like to write in my monthly goals also to keep them with me. If I carry them and glance at them every now and then it refreshes my mind on where I am. I had a terrific February and I'd like to say keeping this weekly ritual of weekly intention setting has been a great reason for it. It really starts my week off on a positive note. I look forward to my Monday mornings and seeing how my week begins. Thank you so much Andrea Schroeder for this. I am hoping I will be enrolling in your Creative Dream Incubator ecourse it's okay that I didn't win the Universe intended Meg to win and congrats to her, I'm making my jealousy work for me. Thanks again to the women who inspire me and I hope we all have a great week filled with love, kindness and caring.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Weekly Review!

                                                          My Weekly Goals

What a week, sunny days and snowy days relaxing and working really hard. It has been an amazing week. I started a new thing by writing my goals on newsprint and taping them to my wall so they are in view. I feel no pressure from my goals as they are aligned with my weekly intention and usually my wishcasting, They are goals but not written in stone and help as a guideline.

Sunday-relax at home and Sushi with my guys.
Monday-morning pages set my weekly intention, Growth!! Winter break for my son, and met w/new  clients. stopped at North Syracuse Consignment and met owner and gave her Avon books.
Tuesday-Avon Meeting and new recruit and gave made new Avon connection at Denny's
Wednesday-Attended celebrity bar tending at Ale N Angus pub. and lost 2.8lbs at Weight Watchers weight in. Hung out with Alex had lunch and shopped.
Thursday-Book store with Alex cleaned office
Friday-Cleaned Jen and Ryan's new client attended the Crunch game went out w/the broomball team after.
Saturday-Paradise market eyebrows threaded (great job) Amory Square to see worlds shortest Mardi Gras Parade at lunch at Bull and Bear Pub and dinner w/Rich's mom and Crunch game.

Now let me address my weekly goals, I never got to yoga or the gym and I had salad 3days this week and I delivered Avon books but not like walking my neighborhood like I'd hoped. I did make 2 connections I actually made 4 so I was up on that one. I didn't have an Artist date I am hoping to schedule one this coming week and everyday and night I thanked the universe for everything. I am practicing gratitude. This week I definitely saw my businesses grow and my personal life as well. I loved having a weekly intention and weekly goals it really helped me keep my focus on my long term goals. February has been great. Hope next week and next month bring more love, joy and growth!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Weekly Intention: Growth!!

Growth: is my intention this week, so much possibility in growth; personal, creative, physical, professional, financial and spiritual. Maybe it's all of them maybe only one. Only experiencing this week will let me know for sure. After 2 great weeks in a row I am looking forward to making it a third. Being open to the possibilities and opportunities this week will bring I welcome growth into my week. Thank you Andrea at ABCcreativity for my intention setting meditation and weekly reminder.

I also want to put this out there into the universe. There are 2 eclasses I want to participate in and I am trying to work them into my budget. The 1st one is Creative Dream Incubator by Andrea at ABC creativity and the 2nd one is Wish Big ECamp both are exactly what I am needing right now and both start in March and would be great Bday presents. I am hoping I can win a spot in the Creative Dream Incubator as she is having a contest thru Roots of She Giveaway I hope I win! Have a great week everyone and here is to all of us being open to receive what we need this week.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Week in Review: Joyous!! & a little sledding to boot

                                                                Week in Review

Sledding at Centerville Park North Syracuse NY
This week has been fantastic, I've had ups and downs, new clients in my business at least one of my businesses. I've learned about what my limits are both good and bad. I realized I'm making some real friends here and building a life around my interests. My weekly intention this past week was Joy and I found it in so many areas of my daily life. From writing out my morning pages to lunch with my new friends and taking on new clients, talking about Avon and photographing team portraits. Joy can be everywhere if you are open to see it. My wishcasting Wednesday prompt was what aspect of my personality do I wish to express and it was more of me which worked really well with Joy. The more real me I express the more Joy I can express.

Joy in winter, enjoying the snow before spring comes and melts it sledding with my BF and his daughter I sled like a little kid of there is a mogul I'm flying over it! I munched it on my face and ate snow and it was fantastic and 2 days before that we had this.

 58 degrees and blue skies very sunny it was fantastic but then you have to appreciate what nature can bring us overnight.

I think it's wonderful to wake up to snow of course I don't have to drive to work in it every morning. Here is to one great week leading into another.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Full Snow Moon Dreamboards- February

Full Snow Moon Dreamboard
I love making dreamboards and do hope I finally get to participate in the teleclass. This month dreamboard has a little bit of everything. Travel and adventure, some meditation and art themes and a little exploration going on. I put this one in my Art Journal which is what I've been doing the last couple of ones, I actually collaged it over a tissue paper collage but you can only see it in the top right corner. I had a lot of images in this one. I guess like a busy calm or a balanced plate. For more about dreamboards check out Jamie Ridler.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Wishcasting Wednesday: What aspect of your personality do you wish to express more of?

Erie Canal Park Camilus NY (checking in got me the Foursquare Historian Badge, yes I'm one of those)

I love Wednesdays for many reasons one of the top ones is Wishcasting. A huge thank you to Jamie Ridler for the weekly prompt. The prompts some how are always timely like the perfect question I need to ask myself.

My answer would be to express the creative aspect of my personality. The side that marches to the beat of my own drum, the side that never cared what people think and the side that occasionally said FU it's my life. The side that photographs, travels, journals, makes stuff, loves wine and follows fashion like a religious nut and cuts up every magazine like it's a $1.00 coupon. The side that isn't sensitive that can make fun of herself, her lazy eye, bald spot, fat cheeks and big boobs. The side that wears her homemade necklace everyday doesn't do her hair, wears hiking boots and her canon camera like the accessory that it is. The side that plans her activities based on a cute outfit but will do them anyways. The side that will try any activity if it looks fun and every after 3 falls in a row say that was awesome and no I can't move my arm. The side that wears pigtails at 43and carry's a Hello Kitty notepad and collects stickers because they are cute and I might use them in an art project. The side who hopes and dreams that at 50 she will have long hair worn in braids and be wearing the biggest turquoise belt buckle she can find and driving a beat up pick up truck to the farmers market in New Mexico with her dog and super hot to me BF. The side that always carries a camera, loves the  Southwest and Art journals for every occasion and occasionally paints and scrapbooks and considers her 3 best friends the sisters God meant her to have. That is the aspect of my personality I wish to express more of. Oh and to my BF who swears he has never read my blog, the aspect of my personality I'd like to express more of to you is to admit when I'm wrong. (He'll never read it so I'm safe in saying that)

To all of us Wishcasters, As I wish for myself, I wish for each of you to.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Weekly Intention: Joy


Full Snow Moon Dreamboard
My weekly intention is Joy, to be Joyful, to be me and for the way my life, my dreams are unfolding. Joyfully enjoying who I am and what is happening in my life. Is is a Joy to watch this fantastic year unfold. Joy is in my heart it will go with me this whole week. Joy!

Thank you Andrea, ABC creativity for the weekly intention. You have been so inspiring.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Week in Review

                                                 The Power to be Me and Daring to be Me!

The week started off great with my weekly intention word being Power and I interpreted that to mean the Power to be me. I participate with Andrea at ABC creativity setting a weekly intention and this one was really terrific. I sat and had tea and did her meditation, went through my calendar for the week and set my day and week to the word Power. I also participate in Wishcasting Wednesday's with Jamie Ridler and her prompt was What do you dare? I dared to be me and it fit so well with my weekly intention. These things help set and pace my week. They kept me in a mind set to really use my power to go out there and do the things I needed to do. I set a goal of making 3 connections this week and surpassed that goal and made about 10. I passed out Avon books at the mall and in my neighborhood. I took an order from someone who I had just given a book to the day before. I got a new client for my cleaning business after I raised my hourly rate. I told 8 people that I photograph weddings and those same people I am also a travel agent. I joined a scrapbooking group attended an Avon division meeting and obtained 3 contacts for my business. Everyday I felt confident and happy about my financial situation. Things can change when you decide to change you. It wasn't all about business this week it was about getting out of my comfort zone and meeting new people and to make new friends. It was about getting myself out and showing who I really am showing that I am me. It was about taking time to read take a bubble bath enjoy my morning tea and quiet time. Making and sticking to a morning ritual that includes morning pages. Thanks Kimberly Wilson because without you I would have not found The Artists Way   it changed my life. It was a great week and I'm looking forward to another great week to come. I am beyond grateful for my online mentors and my friends and family who influence me in ways they don't even know.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Wishcasting Wednesday: What do you wish to Dare?

What do I wish to dare? I wish to dare to be more me. Dare to let the authentic me out, to let me be who I truly am. That is my wish.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Weekly Intention: Power

Practice by Yolanda Alejandre
Power, my weekly intention. Power to be me and do what I need to do in order to be the best me I can be. Power to start living my life fully. Power that I have without fear to see where it takes me. Power.

Thank you Andrea at ABC creativity for the prompt. I look forward to it each week. May all of our weeks give us what we need.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

The Month of Febuary 2011

Art Journal Goals and Intentions for Feb.2011
I love Art Journaling, since I discovered it about 3years ago, it has become my way of setting goals and intentions. I do normal writing journals also but this form of journaling for me has become my norm. My style is obviously collage images from everywhere, this one was mainly magazines I am endlessly tearing out images. I have a pretty big sized box to store them. My February is about love and happiness I wrote my intentions and birthdays.

This is magazine images as a collage and a few pieces of card stock for texture and a rubber stamp, I used a glue stick and sharpie for text, and a satin ribbon to tie it all in.

This page is watercolor, post-its, sharpie and card stock from @jessicagswift goals and intentions packet left over from last years purchase. I really love her stuff.
I added more text in the close up shots. Just what I was thinking and feeling that's pretty much to me what Art Journaling is all about. I love how my watercoloring came out. I was going to collage over part but I decided I wanted it to show through.

Crayon over a stencil mask and then sharpie for text.
This is my end of January page I usually just write out how the month ended. I had posted earlier my January collage page. January was very busy with lots of new things happening for me that when I look back at my previous goals for winter many of them came to fruition in January. This is what I love about Art Journaling. Things don't have to be written word for word an image can represent a goal or plan.

Acrylic Paint smear technique learned from @21secrets (loved it) black lines also same technique, sharpie to text.
Sometimes in the throws of Art Journaling I venture off w/inspiration and do a random page. I had about 5 pages using this credit card technique I was practicing and it makes for great backgrounds. It hit me suddenly that I had had a very vivid and somewhat scary dream. I decided to write about that part in here because I don't think it was supposed to scare me in a bad way but awaken some fears in me to push me harder to face them. Which then inspired a whole bunch of dream/goal setting. I love it when inspiration hits you like a ton of bricks so much so that you just have to keep going.

Gesso for a base dried then watercolor crayons mixed w/gesso using a paintbrush technique learned from @21secrets, Sharpie for text.
Keep going, being so inspired I listed a set of Spring 2011 goals, this was one of my favorite pages before I even touched it with a sharpie but I am so glad that it totally fit for a background for Spring goals. I wanted to say that you can journal anywhere and I often do. Any image can inspire you and can eventually work at some point into a collage. When I discovered this method of journaling I can honestly say it changed my life.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Wishcasting Wednesday: What Burden do you wish to put down?

                                                      What Burden do I wish to put down?

The Burden I wish to put down is financial insecurity, I want to build a savings have a cushion for emergencies. Right now I am doing many different jobs to make extra money and have been coming up with some very creative idea's on how to make more to pay off my small debt and get ahead of the game. I even made a Art journal page about this (will post later). This Burden needs to go away and the start of that is to remove my focus off the bad and change it to the good that I have done so much so far. It's already starting to go away.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Fwd: Brands flock to Red Hot Instragram

-----Original Message-----
From: Yolanda <>
Sent: Tue, Feb 1, 2011 1:27 pm
Subject: Brands flock to Red Hot Instragram