Monday, March 7, 2011

Weekly Intention: Balance

My supplies and lifeline bottom Art Journal, current read, morning pages journal, calender, my business planner, my ipod and my laptop. Oh can you tell I love stickers and graphics.
My weekly ritual as it has now become is to set my weekly intention after meditating to Andrea Schroeder's Intention setting meditation video. It's perfect and her voice is so calm I just love it, it really sets my week up on a positive note.

During my meditation Balance came to mind, I know I have been trying to get a balance between focusing on my health. How I eat and how much exercise I am getting being on weight watchers has become more of a chore then a goal. I know that is because I've been so focused on my work. Trying to grow my businesses it's been my sole focus it seems. I have made time for some creative pursuits but not a lot. I think my intention is telling me to balance my calendar with time for health, creative, spiritual, work, and nothing. Balance is key this week.

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