I like to start of my week with an intention it usually comes to me via meditation, I've kind of slacked off for the past month but this week have made it my goal to get back on board with my morning and weekly rituals that really help guide me. Which means back to morning pages, yoga, meditation and tea. These are the things that keep me focused and calm and help me build on a better self and a more aware self. When I take the time to do these things I accomplish much more and I complain way less.
My weekly Intention this week is Restore: Restore my creative self and physical self take time to pamper the creative artist and women a soothing oatmeal bath some restorative yoga many vitamins and a massage. Restore my creative spirit and enjoy a hot tub night w/the girls. Restore the many parts of me way too much work lately so time to restore my energy and spirit.
Here are my weekly goals and my July monthly goals I try to use them as a guideline but no pressure if I don't get them all in I keep those and my intention in my mind and also in a place were I can see them multiple times a day it helps to be conscience of them in order to accomplish them and check them off your list. |
Last Friday was the Full Buck Moon so I created a dreamboard I try and do one every month it has images that represent what I would like the try or do or happen this month. What I am feeling in the form of images. I love making dream boards and often contemplate doing a class on them. We will see. |
My light reading is "the not so big life" by Sarah Susanka I just started it and have my workbook ready. Lets dig deep and explore it's the only thing that can truly move you forward in my opinion digging deep and bringing up what is buried. It's how you find your passion. |
Onward with my week. It promises to be full. I work 5days and have 1 meeting a clambake and a hot tub night planned. Thank God I never schedule work on Monday!